We offer evaluation services for programs and initiatives of any size or type. One of our strengths is that we have a number of collaborators to call on to expand our team or add specific evaluation or content expertise or knowledge. Evaluation projects we have completed range from a single program for a small organization to a large-scale, multi-site, complex, national systems change initiative.
Evaluation services include:
We offer needs assessment services for truly participative, collaborative needs assessments. We collaborate with needs assessment teams (including community members) to develop the scope of the project, design the data collection protocols and tools, gather data, conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses and synthesize results, and prepare reports that are designed to be used. We are skilled with all types of data collection processes such as surveys, focus groups, appreciative inquiry, facilitated discussions, community listening sessions, key informant interviews, and using existing quantitative and qualitative data from a variety of sources. Some needs assessments we have partnered to complete are: